Bonnie Tucker Herald Recoleta, Tigre, San Telmo
Argentina turistica

It is not that I want to warn too strongly and scare you shouting beware of taxi drivers when arriving in Ezeiza or elsewhere,  but do take all necesary precautions weh taking a cab Prefer the hotel service (even if more expensive) or have, if possible or available, company or friends ick you up at the airport on your arrival or take Manuel Tienda Leon bus.   There are good and bad people everywhere and this is not our safest hour.    It is safer and it will add to a pleasant stay.  When walking BA streets try not to look a visitor.  Avoid latest models of eyeglases, latest haircut, too sophisticated attache, sandals and socks (women) and do not carry portable camersa or video recorders too ostentatiously. Do look either Argentine or a local resident. watch people and act and wear similarly.

If you like good eating you will enjoy Derek Fosterīs The Buenos Aires Herald Good Eating Guide and also his Bst Restaurants Guide, both publisehd by The Buenos Aies Herald newspaper (in English).

Browse through the pages of the Herald on line and look for Bonnie Tuckerīs commnts on travelling.  Not one to be missed.I have enjoyed each and every one.   

Ask for corporate rates whenever asking for hotel reservations. Eveyr hotel likes promoting thteir services abroad and this is your chance for a bargain anda the hotel to market. Ask for weekend options. Search on the net.

Avoid Argentine winter holidays (July).   The streets, theatres, cinemas of  Buenos Aires are a whirlwind of kids with  moms or dads enjoying a la par or  trying to get command.



When asking for services search for the best. The best are often the least expensive in the end.