
The Provinces

Buenos Aires

The Pampas

The Coast - North

The Coast - South

North and NW

Waters and Marshes

Central Andes


National Parks


Cultural - Art









Hay un teléfono cerca de aquí? / Is there a telephone near here?
Podemos alquilar un teléfono celular? / Can we rent a mobile phone?
Donde podemos alquilar un auto? / Where can we rent a car?
Podemos usar el teléfono? / Can we use the phone?
Puede llevarnos hasta el hotel? / Can you take us to the hotel?
Puedo abrir la ventanilla? / Can I open the window?
No me siento bien / I am not feeling well
A que hora sale el vuelo? / What time does the flight leave?
Hay demora? / Is there any delay?
A que hora llegamos a Salta? What time do we arrive in Salta?
Nos espera alguien alli? / Is anybody waiting for us there?
Cual es su numero de telefono? / Have you got his / her phone nbr?
Tenemos reservada una doble / We have reservations for a double
Nos gustaria un piso mas alto / We´d like a higher floor
Por favor puede llamarnos un taxi / Can you please call a taxi for us?
Por favor donde está el comedor / Where is the dining room?
Por favor donde es el desayuno? / Where is breakfast please?
Por favor donde está el  toilette? / Where is the toilet please?
Hay una farmacia por aquì? / Is there a pharmacy near here?
Donde podemos comprar postales? / Where can we buy postcards?
Donde queda el teatro Colon? / Where´s the Colon theater please?
Puede mostrarlo en el mapa / Can you please show it on the map
Puedo enviar un fax desde aqui? / Can I send a fax from here?
Buenos dias / Good morning
Teniamos reservas para cuatro /  We´ve made reservations for four
Deseariamos almorzar / We´d like to have lunch
Puede traernos la carta / Can you bring us the menu?
Muchas gracias/ Many thanks
Muy amable / That´s very kind of you
Por favor puede traernos mas pan? / Can you bring us more bread please?
un poco de manteca / some butter
jugo de naranja / orange juice
otra botella de vino / agua - another bottle of wine/water
mas leche / more milk
un te / un cafe - some tea / a cup of coffe
crema / miel - cream / honey
queso / limon - cheese - lemon
Cual es la comida tipica aqui? / Which is the local typical dish here?
Cual es la montania mas alta aqui? / Which is the highest peak here?
Cuanta gente vive aqui? / How many people live here?
Es esta una comida reginal / Is this a local dish?
Es buena / bueno / It´s good
Por favor la cuenta / The bill please
Cuanto es / How much is it?
Podemos pagar con tarjeta / Can we pay by credit card?
Muchas gracias. Hasta pronto / Many thanks. See you
Necesitamos alquilar un auto mediano? / We need to rent a middle sized car
Que modelos tienen? / What models have you got?
Cuanto cuesta con seguro incluido / How much is it insurance included?
Hay una estación de servicio cerca? / Is there a garage near here?
Necesitamos nafta / We need some petrol
Estamos cerca de la ruta? / Are we near the main road?
Como salimos a la ruta / How do we get to the main road?
Muchas gracias por todo / Many thanks for everything.

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